I know it doesn't look or feel like it, but spring is coming. I know. It's frigid. The ground is covered with ice and snow. A real groundhog couldn't even get out of his nest to look for his shadow. Not that he would be stupid enough to want to. And yes, the snowbirds are still here in abundance. They show no signs of getting anxious to head north. And yes, those early avian harbingers of spring have not yet arrived. There are no red-winged blackbirds checking out my pond--dead cattails and all. None of them are sitting on the fences running along the freeways. As I walk around my pond and the bog, they are not there calling me all those blackbird things they call me for disturbing their nesting area in the spring. But trust me. Spring is coming.
Proof? The pussy willow around the pond--living in willow heaven--is already loaded with buds. Some of them have even opened up to show their silver blooms. Even the ones up front have buds, just no blooms. Yet. And I'm sure that the winter heather are just waiting for a little melt to show off their pink blooms. And the Lenten roses are ready to show off their colors right through the snow. And I'm fairly certain that I can hear the snow crocus discussing when they intend to show off their beauty. Yes, spring is coming. The "juices" will soon be flowing through the dormant trees and shrubs. Each in their appointed time will resume their "life." The cold of winter has done most of its "job." It's just waiting for the thaw so that it can saturate the ground with the spring drink the world is eagerly anticipating--to do what God has ordained it to do. To fulfill its purpose.
Cold does that you know? Gives us time to rest. Makes us eager for the thaw and a resumption of growth and fruitfulness. It's not a "bad" thing. Just part of the seasons of life. And it, too, has its beauty. Cold, I'll be delighted with spring, but, I think I'll miss you as well. Melt well.
The signs are there folks and more are coming. Spring is almost here. Trust me. Or, at least, trust the pussy willows. And keep an eye out for those red-winged blackbirds along the highway.
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